Station 8 Youth
Meetings: Sunday at 9 am | Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm
We exist to introduce teens (7th-12th grade) to Christ and show them how they can live a life that brings Him honor and glory. We tackle varies topics that teens face in their day-to-day life. This is done through the preaching of God’s Word, interactive lessons, and small group discussions.
The youth ministry leadership team varies in age and background with Christ as our common ground. This helps us better minister to teens with a variety of backgrounds. We focus on building personal relationships between the leaders and the students. This is done by small group activities, large group activities, and service projects.
There are several ways for students to be involved in the youth group: our praise and worship team, participating in activities such as laser tag, leadership retreats, camp, bowling, and game nights. We also offer service projects through out the year: pressure washing the property of the church, mission trips, and Vacation Bible School to name a few.